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WGST 51: Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies

This course guide will help you identify and locate resources related to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ+) Studies.


Always use the tool bar to the right of the article that you selected! This is a great way to save the information!


Never copy the address bar of the title you are interested in! This will end up as a broken-link. Use the PERMALINK tool and a URL will be created for you. COPY and PASTE for easy access to the article. 


Using the limit tool on the left allows you to retrieve only peer-reviewed articles for your paper.

Use the the Public Date tool to find information published during the specified time.  Ex: 2012-2022 (last ten years) or Ex: 1980-1990 etc. 



Subject terms are helpful to discover new keywords to use for your searches. The abstract is a concise summary of what the article is about! The abstract can be found on the first page of the article as well.