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ETHN 165: Community Based Research Methods (Old Guide)

This course guide provides library services and tools to support your research project in Ethnic Studies 165 for Fall Qtr 2022

PSSP Tutorial

Proquest BannerDoing your research in this class will require you to search multiple complex databases on two different platforms, EBSCO and Proquest. I'm guessing most of you will have encountered an EBSCO database before, at least once, maybe in your CTW class. But, you may not have had the pleasure of working with Proquest. So, I am going to introduce you through a tutorial, linked below. Getting the most out of any of these databases you will need to use is not an easy thing. They are full of valuable resources but they are not particularly friendly. It is very, very, very easy to conclude that what you need is not in there but yet it is!

So, please take your time and really do this tutorial.

Which are scholarly, research articles?

I am sure you have all been down the "what is a scholarly article?" road before in other classes, but, even so, humor me and do this little tutorial:

Journal Articles, and more!


Image by Pexels from Pixabay