Visit SCU Archives and Special Collections!
Special Collection Libraries hold unusually rare, unique or valuable materials, including rare books, specialized publications and archival materials. Usually they have non-circulating materials and closed stacks, meaning that patrons cannot check out materials or access the shelves. Archives may refer to collections of records, the institution that collects records, and/or the physical space where the records are stored.
Archival Collections are the records and associated materials that document the history of an individual, a group of people, a place, or an institution. The records commonly include different types of primary source documents such as letters, reports, legers, files, photographs, manuscripts, and diaries. They may also include artifacts, such as keepsakes, awards or other items kept for their personal or institutional meaning.
Winter Intersession Hours - Reading Room Open
10 a.m.-3 p.m., Learning Commons, Norman F. Martin, S.J. Reading Room, 3rd Floor
For best results, please call or email us at least two business days before your anticipated date of arrival to set up your appointment and to allow sufficient time for materials to be pulled and made ready.
As always, virtual assistance is available; call (408) 554-5530 or email with your inquiry.
The Santa Clara - Student Newspaper
Step 1: Select Advanced Search
Step 2: Select Select All Collections (will deselect them)
Step 3: Select Show All
Step 4: Scroll the list and select The Santa Clara student newspaper historical archive, 1922-2013 and SAVE
Step 5: Enter Search Terms and use the drop down to the right to select Exact Phrase (This will SAVE YOU TIME)
The database will search the Student Newspaper archive to include the exact phrase that you entered!
For more Archives and Special Collection help: email:
Remove unnecessary items from your search:
Please click any of the links below to find materials on that topic:
Ethnic Studies Department - newsletters
MEChA El-Frente - Includes materials from El Frente Estudiantil Chicano
Please note the archives may not have materials relating to all cultural student organizations; additionally, new materials are being added on a regular basis.
OSCAR (SCU Library Catalog):
To find archival materials, use advanced search. Limiting by location, “University Archives & Special Collections,” will find items in the department. Limiting by materials types, “Mixed Materials,” will find archival materials specifically.