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ENVS 160: Water Resources: Home

Fresh water: how much is available and how to best manage it.

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ENVS 160: Water Resources


ENVS 160: Water Resources


Wild & Scenic Rivers


"Worldwide, rivers are now so overtapped that they discharge little or no water to the sea for months at a time. As water levels in aquifers are declining, while water is still flowing freely and cheaply from our taps, we are wondering how much fresh water is available and how to best manage it. This course covers the fundamental concepts and analyses in hydrology and water resources management, such as runoff, flow in aquifers, snowmelt, evaporation, and infiltration.

"Using these concepts and basic physical and chemical principles we will investigate issues of water cycling, use and abuse, pollution, and conservation. Interactions between water and human societies, ecosytems, agriculture, natural resources, and climate are explored through domestic and international case studies. The concepts are reinforced through indoor and outdoor laboratory exercises."


Also see SCU Water Resources Engineering


Image: National Wild & Scenic Rivers System

Subject Guide