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ENGL 2A Gomes Winter 2020


Welcome to Gomes ENGL 2A

Workshop Goals Today

Welcome! In the workshop today, you will have the opportunity to:


1. Understand how algorithmic bias shapes research processes

2. Reflect on how algorithmic biases informed or shaped your own assignments

3. Project possibilities for leveraging or confronting algorithmic bias in revisions and future research


Work in small groups to read and discuss one article about bias in a tool, source type, or system and answer questions to share with the larger class. 

A. “The Dangers of English as Lingua Franca of Journals” 
B. “Wikipedia Mirrors the World’s Gender Biases, it Doesn’t Cause Them
C. “The Racial Politics of Citation
D. “YouTube is Still Restricting & Demonetizing LGBT Videos--& Adding Anti-LGBT Ads”  
E. “
The Bias Hiding in Your Library” 
F. "
Google is Finally Admitting It Has a Filter Bubble Problem"

(Activity adopted from Lindsay Davis, Merced College)

Diversifying Your Sources


What do our algorithms say about our society? In this talk, social scientist Safiya Umoja Noble investigates the bias revealed in search engine results and argues why we have to be skeptical of the algorithms we rely upon every day.