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HIST 177 - Gay Men and Lesbians in U.S. History (Unger): Home

U.S. in the 1960s and 1970s

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HIST 177: Gay/Lesbians in U.S. History

This course traces "the history of same-sex desire from the pre-Columbian period to the present within the larger, rich history of the changing social, economic, political, and intellectual life within the United States.  Issues of gender, race, class, reographic setting, and ethnicity will merit appropriate attention, particularly as those categories relate to differences in power and privilege, leading to inequality and injustice. " (from the syllabus). 

This guide is designed to help you find resources for your research paper.  You will learn how to find and evaluate secondary sources (books and scholarly articles), as well as primary sources related to your specific topic.  

Stonewall Inn, Pride Week-End 2016 (Rhododentrites, Wikimedia Commons)

he history of same-sex desire from the pre-Columbian period to the present
within the larger, rich history of the changing social, economic, political, and intellectual
life within the United States. Issues of gender, race, class, geographic setting, and
ethnicity will merit appropriate attention, particularly as those categories relate to
differences in power and privilege, leading to inequality and injustice. Through a variety
of primary and secondary sources, we will examine self-conceptions and self-
identifications of gay men and lesbians as well as the constructs of homosexuality and the
resultant prescribed roles.
identifications of gay men and lesbians as well as the constructs of homosexuality and the
resultant prescribed roles.
