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New / Trial Databases

The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
This database includes articles from more than 500 news sources from around California, from 1983 to current. Includes The San Francisco Chronicle and San Jose Mercury News. Updated daily.
This database provides the full text of literary criticism and reviews, in-depth biographical articles, original works of literature, multimedia resources, and links to selected web resources on over 200,000 authors and their works from around the world, in all genres, and from all time periods from antiquity to contemporary emerging authors.
Alternate Name(s) Mercury News, San Jose Mercury News, Evening News
Provides full-image newspaper pages from 1900 to present, the full text of the electronic edition of record of the newspaper from 1985 to the present, and web edition articles from 2007 to present. Full-image newspaper pages of the Evening News from 1884 to 1983 are also included. Current content also available through Mercury News (
Alternate Name(s) WPR
Trial access will end on Sep. 30, 2025.World Politics Review publishes in-depth news and expert analysis on global affairs to help readers identify and make sense of the events and trends shaping our world.