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ETHN 165: Community Based Research Methods (Fernandez)

Course guide for Ethnic 165 (Professor Fernandez).

Literature Review Exercise

Peer Review of Literature Review

  1. Identify the key elements/concepts/theories in the literature review. Underline them.
  2. Describe the structure of the lit review. For example, is it organized thematically, conceptually, procedurally?
  3. Identify some of the words, terms, language used to facilitate transitions between one study/source and another. Circle these statements.
  4. How are the ideas in the lit review being connected to the proposed study or research question? Highlight these.

The Matrix

Below is a link to a tool that will assist you in writing your literature review. It also will help you organize the sources you are finding along the way!


Click on the link to the Matrix. 

Immediately, click on File (in the upper left); then Make a Copy; Give it a name; Click OK.

Link to Matrix