On Monday, December 16th, 2024, the University Library moved to a new Library Services Platform (LSP) called FOLIO. The Law Library will also move to this platform at the same time. This move requires a major system migration and impacts all aspects of our work within the Libraries. As a patron, you'll notice some changes as well. There will be some short-term and longer-term impacts on our services, summarized in the “Key Dates” box on this page.
This migration moves us to a more modern software platform that will result in cost savings and allow us to adopt an open source platform. This aligns with the Libraries’ strategic plan to optimize the community experience while supporting technologies that are open, interoperable, universally designed, and prioritize user privacy.
Our Library Catalog will change as part of the transition to FOLIO. While some features and functions may work a bit differently, the new Library Catalog will provide all the same account services you’re used to – searching for our materials, placing holds, renewals, and reviewing your checked out items.
We selected VuFind, an open-source, FOLIO-compatible catalog platform, designed by libraries for libraries. VuFind is widely used by libraries across the world including the University of Chicago, Michigan State University and Texas A&M University.
The most essential of all technologies in a library, the LSP enables critical aspects of our services for researchers and learners: ordering materials, checking out books, placing holds on items, managing electronic resources and more. In academic libraries, these systems are large, complex, customized for each institution, and also costly because there are very few commercial providers globally.
FOLIO is an open source tool being developed by an innovative collaboration of libraries, developers, and vendors. The modular design and extensibility of the platform allow libraries to choose components and workflows that they desire and not be forced to work with a bundled set of services.
Because the FOLIO software is open source, there is a robust community of libraries supporting it. As part of this coalition, we have a seat at the table with our peers, where we have the opportunity to guide the development of FOLIO and ensure it meets our needs. We can pool our resources and expertise to solve problems, improve functionality, and add new features.
Our partners in the FOLIO Community include institutions worldwide:
May 24, 2024 - LINK+ borrowing paused
Note that Interlibrary Loan will be available throughout, with no interruption
December 16, 2024 - New System goes live
TBD - LINK+ borrowing resumes
We will temporarily pause our Link+ rapid borrowing service on May 24 until we can get that software cooperating with the new FOLIO system. We anticipate bringing it back online in Spring 2025, and we will continue to share updates. Our traditional interlibrary loan service will continue without interruption.
If for some reason you are unable to find what you need through the SCU Library, the Santa Clara City Library Mission Branch building is just down the road at 1098 Lexington Street, Santa Clara, CA 95050.