At this point, we are overwhelmed by the number of reviews we see everyday.
From Yelp reviews, to BookTok reviews, we don't have to look far for reviews.
In this class, we're going to focus on book and film reviews.
Discussion Question: What purpose does a review serve?
Components of a review:
Things to have handy before we start looking at reviews:
For many contemporary authors, you should be able to find information either through their personal websites or through their publisher profiles (for example. search for AUTHOR NAME publisher profile).
There may also be biographies about authors found in newspapers - which can be searched through our newspaper databases (for example, search for AUTHOR NAME biography). If your author is very popular, you might find there are reviews of biographies about them - not particularly useful to learn about the author so be wary!
The same search strategies should also work when looking up performer or director information.
We also have databases that are specifically geared towards biographies and information about a person.