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Congressional Publications: Decoding Citations

The various U.S. Congressional publications defined, with finding aids and locations at SCU.

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Decoding Citations

114 CR 23567 Congressional record, vol.114, p.23567
H.R. 109-20 House bill 20, 109th  congress  (notice, NOT a house report)
S. 109-20  Senate bill 20, 109th congress
P.L. 109-20 Public law 20, 109th congress
114 Stat. 1345 Statutes at Large, v.114, page 1345
20 USC §134 U S Code, title 20, section 134
S.Hrg. 109-20 Senate hearing 20, 109th congress
S.Prt. 109-20 Senate print 20, 109th congress
H.Rpt. 109-20 House report 20, 109th congress
H.Doc. 109-20 House document 20, 109th congress
S.Rpt. 109-20 Senate report 20, 109th congress
S.Doc. 109-20 Senate document 20, 109th congress
Treaty doc. 109-20 Senate treaty document 20, 109th congress
Serial 13456 Serial set vol. 13456

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Edgar Lopez
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