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Information Literacy Instructional Videos

Some of these have been made here. Most, though, come from other institutions that share! The sharing institution is always credited!

Introductory Indeed

These three very short videos cleverly introduce some really basic concepts about academic quality information as well as some jargon that we all use and assume students understand. After viewing each one, some good questions to ask might be:

What are you going to do differently the next time you need to look for information for a class based on what you learned here? 

What was the most important/significant thing you learned from this video?

Why use Library Databases? (2:35)

What are Databases and Why you Need Them was made by a student at Yavapai Community College in Arizona. It is short, clever, and very "to the point!"

YouTube URL:

From Idea to Library (2:28)

From Idea to Library (2:28) introduces some really basic concepts about journals as well as some vocabulary we use that too often we assume students know. That articles are in issues of journals, for example, students have told me was something they hadn't understood before watching this. And, then, that these articles are what they search library databases to find and that different databases have articles from different journals kind of brings it all together for many. Basic, but new, information cleverly presented by those great librarians at North Carolina State University.

Use this URL:

One Perfect Source (2:08)

One Perfect Source is a great introduction to doing research from those creative librarians at North Carolina State University. Students may find it a bit myth-shattering!

YouTube URL: