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Hist 85: Intro to US Environmental History (Pamphile-Miller): Images and Videos


Rachel Carson (International Livestock Research Institute -Flicker)

Windmill (Max Pixel)

General Image Resources

General Images


IMPORTANT: Use of images is subject to U.S. copyright law. If an image is copyrighted, you must ask permission--and often pay--to use it with an accompanying credit line. That's the law! If an image is in the public domain and thus freely available to use, often it will say so and provide credit information.

If you are not sure if an image is public domain, contact the person or entity responsible for the image and ask permission for one-time educational use with an accompanying credit line. For more on copyright, see
U.S. Copyright Office FAQs

How to Find Copyright Free Images

The best sites to find copyright free images:

Government sites

Wikimedia Commons


Google Images (advanced search):

NOTE:To find copyright free images using Google , follow these steps:

  • Enter your keywords in Google. 
  • When you get your results, click on IMAGES at the top.
  • Then click on SETTINGS and select ADVANCED SEARCH.
  • Scroll down.  In the USAGE RIGHTS search box, select FREE TO USE AND SHARE