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MGMT 162: Strategic Analysis

This guide is intended to assist students with their capstone projects.


The Articles & News tab will guide you to thousands of business journals, including FREE online access to the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and The Economist.

The Company Research tab will point you to resources meant to provide a solid understanding of any organization or firm.

The Industry Research tab will point you to resources for conducting your industry analysis.

The Business & Marketing Strategy tab provides frameworks and related competitive business strategies for framing your capstone project.

The Sustainable Business tab provides the latest in corporate social responsibility, business ethics, and company ESG disclosures. 

Business Strategy Questions

  • Are there market trends (e.g. new technologies) that could force you to change the way you do business now?
  • If you had 3X revenue growth, what new industries would you enter?
  • How is your industry defined?
  • What new uses for your services/products have you explored?