This database provides articles, books, technical reports, conference proceedings and government publications related to agriculture and environmental science from 1960 to the present.
This database covers areas such as agricultural engineering, biodiversity, botany, environmental law, forestry, sustainability, waste management, and water resources.
This database provides research on all aspects of human influence on the natural environment and how individuals, corporations, and local/national governments can minimize negative impact. The subject areas include abstracts and full-text articles on global warming, green building, alternate fuel sources, recycling, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, among many others.
This multidisciplinary database provides access to over 5,600 active full-text journals and over 6,500 open access journals. Covers topics that range from business, education, social sciences, humanities, engineering, and science. Coverage varies, updates also vary.
This database provides articles, books, book reviews, and dissertations on the history and culture of the United States and Canada from prehistoric times to the present, and publication dates go from the late 19th century to the present.
A multidisciplinary database providing indexing, abstracts, and full text from six of H.W. Wilson's full-text databases: Education Full Text, General Science Full Texts, Humanities Full Text, Readers' Guide Full Text, Social Sciences Full Text, and Business Full Text. Also available are full-text articles from five periodical databases: Applied Science & Technology, Art, BIological & Agricultural Index, Index to Legal Periodicals & Books, and Library Literature & Information Science. Indexing begins 1982, Abstracts 1984, and Full-text coverage 1994. Updated daily.
This database provides full-text articles and abstracts from scholarly journals from 1871 to present on anthropology, criminology, economics, education, international relations, library science, linguistics, political science, public policy, social work, sociology, and more.
More than 1,800 full-text articles and over 14,000 abstracts from scholarly journals and dissertations in the social sciences
This database provides access to psychology journals, books, and dissertations. It is THE source for starting any psychology research project. Coverage is from 1887 to the present.
Indexes and abstracts articles at least one column in length from over 544 different English language periodicals in the social sciences, which includes anthropology, psychology, sociology, ethnic studies, political science, economics, geography, urban studies, and more. Fulltext of articles are available from about 175 of these periodicals. Indexing goes back to 1983. Abstracts began with January 1994. Fulltext availability varies title to title, but may go back to 1995. Updated daily. For indexing of articles appearing prior to 1983, use Humanities & Social Sciences Retrospective.