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JST Students and the SCU Library

Resources for Your Courses and Assignments

You get access to several databases through the GTU Library, and SCU Library provides access to hundreds more that are at the tip of your fingers

Start at the SCU Library website to search:

  • OneSearch - our all-in-one search engine that queries the library's catalog, most of the library's subscription databases, and a few collections from Archives & Special Collections
  • Religious Studies Databases - Santa Clara University Library may subscribe to some databases that the GTU does not subscribe to in this area
  • Other Subject Databases - if you want to get cross disciplinary, find a database by subject, title, or type.
  • Ebooks and other digital content like streaming films

Two very familiar databases are ATLA Religion and JSTOR. Both SCU and the GTU offer access to ATLA Religion.

JSTOR coverage is different between the two.


  • JSTOR Arts & Sciences I - XI
  • JSTOR Arts & Sciences XIV
  • JSTOR Arts & Sciences XV
  • JSTOR Life Sciences


  • JSTOR Arts & Sciences II, III, V, VII
  • JSTOR Lang & Lit

When in doubt trying to get the full text of an article, kindly use the InterLibrary Loan service through the GTU Library or the SCU Library and librarians will help you.

Remote Access: To access all of these resources remotely, you will be prompted to login using your SCU email and password. 

Get Started: Use OneSearch for Broad Searching

OneSearch is a simple search engine that allows you to search simultaneously for books, articles, and more available at SCU Library. OneSearch brings together content of a large selection of our subscribed e-journals and databases, our library catalog, and our digital library collections in a single search interface. It can be a good starting point for interdisciplinary research, which you then might augment with some discipline-specific databases. Access OneSearch directly on the Library homepage. Learn more about OneSearch here. 

Get Started: Use Religious Studies Databases for Narrow Searching

While OneSearch may be good for getting started in interdisciplinary or lower division courses, selecting and using databases specific to a particular discipline is a more effective and efficient strategy for discipline-specific courses. For example, as a JST student, using Religious and Theological Abstracts is likely to be a better strategy.

To locate databases specific to religious studies select "Databases" off the Library homepage, then "Browse by Subject" and choose "religious studies". Your subject librarian has listed recommended databases; reach out for help selecting or using those tools.

Select Religious Studies from "Browse by Subject" Under Databases Tab

Troubleshoot Your Access Issues

(1) Are you getting error messages when you're using a database or (2) are you being prompted to pay for a resource when it looks like you should have access through SCU? 

For help with (1), see the Troubleshoot Your Access page in this guide. For (2), file an e-resources error report below and we'll follow up with you.