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History 30/130A: The French Revolution: Books

How to Find Books through SCU Library

Check out searching for Books from our main catalog search box on the Library's home page.  Click on the tab for "books" and enter in search terms.

Constructing your search

You can use the official subject heading France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 and add one or two keywords to it, or you can use "french revolution" as a keyword term and add other keywords to it. Lastly, if you have a super specific query, you can leave out any reference to the French Revolution in general.

Sample advanced search strategies:

In the above example, the official subject heading is used, as well as the keyword guillotine.

In the above example, only the phrase third estate and the root word for revolt and revolution, revol*, is used. These are specific enough that it is not necessary to also use the phrase french revolution.

A Few Tips about E-Books

  • To access the full text of the eBooks, just click on the link in the record.  
  • You will be asked to authenticate by entering your SCU Id and Password
  • When you find a book that sounds promising, go through the table of contents carefully to select the most relevant chapters for your topic.
  • You can read the book online and you can usually download a few chapters.  However, the actual number of pages you can download or print is not consistent among publishers.

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