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History 30/130A: The French Revolution: Scholarly Articles

A Scholarly Article:

1. Is written by a scholar in the field for a scholarly journal;

2.Has been through a scholarly referee process to be evaluated by experts in the field;

3. Is aimed at a specialized audience and uses the jargon of the discipline;

4. Includes documentation in the form of notes, footnotes, and bibliography;

5.Is usually pretty long (a two-page article is not likely to be a scholarly one)

How to Recognize a Scholarly Journal

How to Search the Databases

How to Search the Databases:

Just enter keywords describing your topic.  Use the connector AND between your keywords.  For example:

If the full-text of the article is not readily available, click on the FIND IT AT SCU icon to see if it's available in another database or in print in the library.

Find Articles on Your Topic

To find scholarly articles on your topic, try the following databases:

(If you have trouble accessing the links below, just go to the list of databases on the library homepage ( , and select the one you want)

Historical Abstracts
Provides access to articles on the history of the world from 1450 to the present (except the United States and Canada covered in America: History and Life).

Humanities Full-Text
Indexes and abstracts English-language articles in the most important journals in the humanities from 1984-present.  Full-text available for many articles from 1995 forward.

Humanities and Social Sciences Index Retrospective
Indexes nearly 1200 scholarly journals covering the entire range of the humanities and social sciences from 1907-1984.

Provides full-text online access to back issues of selected scholarly journals in history, economics, political science, demography, mathematics and other fields of the humanities and social sciences. Be aware that the current issues (current 2 or 3 years) are not included.

Project Muse
Searchable database that provides access to the full-text of journals published by many university presses in the humanities, and social sciences.   Coverage varies for each title.

How to Get Articles

How to Get Articles

Once you find articles that interest you, you can mark them and email the citations/abstracts to yourself.

To obtain the full article, click the “Find It @ SCU”  or “Link” button. A new window opens to provide available choices in this order:

1. Links to full-text if we have journal online

2. Link to OSCAR (catalog) record if we have journal only in print

3. Link to Interlibrary Loan if we do not have journal. Fill out all citation information and article pdf will be emailed to you in a few days.

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