On this page there are several resources to help you choose a topic for your research project. Please also reach out for support from your professor and/or librarian!
The eBooks on this page are a small subset of the books (hard copy and electronic) that are available to you through the SCU Library. Books are useful, not only to inspire your topic choice, but also because they can help you frame the issues and point you to other sources through the references. Don't overlook book sources in your research process!
Don't know where to start? Need more background information? I recommend taking a look at these sources to help you either get started or narrow down on your topic.
A chapter in one of these eBooks could inspire your topic selection for your research. I recommend a chapter rather than an entire book because if there is an entire book on your topic and every chapter is relevant, chances are that your topic is too broad for the length of paper you're writing for this class!