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Finals will come quickly. Let's get started today.
If you follow along during the session on your own computer, it will be useful to have a document to save your permalinks, ideas, and search terms.
Still unsure about what you want to do for your paper? Use these tools to help you get ideas.
Use OSCAR, the Library's catalog, to search for books. You may get other stuff, but mostly you'll get books.
Enter keywords or the title of a book you'd like.
You can also use OneSearch to find books and articles at the same time. If you go this route, practice becoming expert at using OneSearch.
There are many databases that are good for topics of cultures of Islam. Try this trick:
Search Historical Abstracts, ATLA Religion, Academic Search Complete, and OmniFile all at once.
Enter any one of these databases individually, and following the directions below.
What info do you have now, and what info do you still need?
Do you need more primary sources? Check out the primary sources tab.
Research is iterative. Depending on where your search takes you, you will have to return to any of these steps as you work through the research process.