OSCAR is the SCU Library catalog. It will tell you what physical books SCU owns and what ebooks SCU licenses for your use. It will also tell you about other materials the library owns, but mostly it's used for books.
OSCAR is the 2nd tab on the library website, and it is directly linked below.
In the above example, the search command will bring back records for only ebooks that have the word railroad in the title and the word chinese in the subject heading. This is much narrower than leaving the field on the default "any field." It is only possible to do a sophisticated search like this by doing an advanced search.
If a book is not available through SCU or Link+, you will have to submit an Interlibrary Loan request for it. It can take up to 2 weeks to receive the book from the lending library, so plan ahead.
If you already know the title of the book and other publication information, go ahead and submit a book request in the ILL portal.
To discover books on your topic, search World Cat.