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SOC 121: Research Capstone (Lopez-Aguado)

Library Workshop Goals

Welcome! In these workshop activities, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Develop and practice strategies for mapping capstone questions to databases
  • Utilize reference management tools to organize citations and appropriately give credit to original authors
  • Identify strategies for growing your literature review (cited by, pearl growing, works cited)
  • Critically evaluate sources in your discipline to identify the contribution that particular source makes to 

Library Workshop Goal:

Find and evaluate at least 1 scholarly article studying similar phenomena with respect to your social issue that you might use in your literature review. 

SOC 121: Research Capstone by 100YearOldLibrarian

Activity 1: Conducting the Search

In this activity, you'll spend some time finding potential sources for your capstone project. 

  1. In the tab, "Find Scholarly Articles", select a subject database that relates to your capstone question.
  2. Using the subject database, conduct your initial search (Tip: make sure you have identified your keywords)
    • Consider using filters
  3. Identify at least 2-3 sources

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Activity 2: Using the Source Matrix

In this activity, we will use the Source Matrix as a tool for analyzing the references you've chosen for your capstone project. We will look at one example and then you will complete at least 1 analysis of your resource to share out to the class via this Padlet. The remainder of class will be spent searching for more sources and completing the Source Matrix.


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Tutorial: Introduction to Zotero

Complete the tutorial to the best of your ability: