In this activity, we are going to get everyone in class set up with a New York Times account. This will allow you to view all of NYT content online, which is incredibly beneficial to you as students. Click on the this link to the New York Times guide and follow the steps on creating an account. Once you create an account, you'll be able to access NYT from any device and all you have to do is sign in! Please use your SCU email when you are creating the account.
Now that you have identified a STEM topic through the popular literature, we're going to take it one step further and look at academic literature. To do this, consider the subject that your topic is focused on. Does it have a heavy emphasis on technology? Engineering? Medicine? Physics? If you are unsure, consider asking one of your classmates or flag me down.
Access the library's A-Z Database and choose the subject that best matches your topic. If you are unsure and want to start broad, consider using Academic Search Complete.
Once you have identified the subject of your STEM topic, we'll look at the literature from the subject-specific database. Be prepared to share your findings in class!