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ENGL 2A: Critical Thinking & Writing (Turner)



ENGL 2A is the second of a two-quarter sequence that invites you to practice critical thinking and academic writing. ENGL 2A is a 4 credit-unit course that fulfills the Foundations Core Requirement. As we learned in ENGL 1A, writing is used to make and remake meaning through many social and rhetorical situations. While ENGL 1A focused on analytic thinking as reading and writing habits, ENGL 2A will focus on the critical skills of research and research-based writing. Together, we’ll spend the quarter designing a research project; locating, selecting, analyzing data; and reporting findings. We will continue to refine and develop metacognitive habits of mind as readers and writers. We’ll think about how research happens and how research is integral to not only your careers at Santa Clara, but your life. As we consider how research-based writing works, we will focus our collective attention on exploring these questions across CTW 2:

  • What is research?
  • How can we participate in fact and meaning-making?

CTW 2: Library Tutorial

Access the tutorial here:

ctw 2 tutorial homepage