Bibliographic database maintained by the Universidad Nacional Autónmoma de México (UNAM) offering about 350 thousand bibliographic records of articles, essays, book reviews, literature reviews, short notes, editorials, biographies, interviews, statistics and other documents published in about 1500 journals from Latin America and the Caribbean, specializing in social sciences and humanities.
Ofrece acceso a los textos completos de revistas disponibles en varias hemerotecas digitales de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal, con el propósito de dar acceso y difundir el conocimiento científico que se publica en las mejores revistas de la región. Busca en: Dialnet, SciELO, Redalyc, E-revistas (UNAM), etc.
Contains abstracts of journal articles, book chapters, conference papers, and other materials related to anthropology and its subfields of cultural anthropology, physical anthropology, archaeology, and linguistics from 1970 to present.
Contains records of journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, dissertations, reports, commentaries, and obituaries related to anthropology, archaeology, and related interdisciplinary research from the 18th century to today.
Contains records of journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, dissertations, reports, commentaries, and obituaries related to anthropology, archaeology, and related interdisciplinary research from the 18th century to present.
It is presented by the American Anthropological Association.
This database tells where to find journal articles on Latin American topics in the social sciences and humanities from 1967 to the present.
Over 700 journals, published worldwide, are indexed. Included are citations for articles about Mexico, all Central American and South American countries, and the Caribbean, as well as about Hispanics/Latinos in the United States.
This database provides full-text articles and abstracts from scholarly journals from 1871 to present on anthropology, criminology, economics, education, international relations, library science, linguistics, political science, public policy, social work, sociology, and more.
More than 1,800 full-text articles and over 14,000 abstracts from scholarly journals and dissertations in the social sciences
Indexes and abstracts articles at least one column in length from over 544 different English language periodicals in the social sciences, which includes anthropology, psychology, sociology, ethnic studies, political science, economics, geography, urban studies, and more. Fulltext of articles are available from about 175 of these periodicals. Indexing goes back to 1983. Abstracts began with January 1994. Fulltext availability varies title to title, but may go back to 1995. Updated daily. For indexing of articles appearing prior to 1983, use Humanities & Social Sciences Retrospective.
This database covers political science topics in depth and has a worldwide focus. It includes scholarly journal articles, books, and conference papers.
The subject specific thesaurus contains over 17,500 terms to aid researchers.
This database provides access to political science literature and its complementary fields, including international relations, law, and public administration & policy. The database in international in scope and coverage is from 1975 to the present.