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Byzantine Art and Civilization Resources: Resources in Other Libraries

A guide to major sources of information for researching Byzantine art and civilization

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Resources in Other Libraries



The better a researcher you are, the more likely you will want something we do not have in this library. If it is a book, look in LINK+ to see if any of the participating libraries in California or Nevada have it. If they do, request it online, and the book should arrive here for you within 3 working days. If it is not in LINK+, or if you need a journal article, request it through OSCAR's interlibrary loan option, through which we can get copies of journal articles, and borrow books, from other libraries in the U.S. Although many articles are sent electronically, books and photocopies can take two weeks to get here; so, start your research early! As an alternative, we can help you find which library in the area owns a particular book or journal, and you can go there yourself to use it.

Humanities Librarian

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Leanna Goodwater
University Library
Santa Clara University
500 El Camino Real
Santa Clara, CA 95053