The largest and most comprehensive dictionary of the English language as it is currently used today.
The famous unabridged is the latest in the long line of dictionaries directly descended from Noah Websters original English-language dictionary of 1828. It is updated on a continuing basis.
A team of librarians available to help you with library resources and search for information, every day at any time. The chat is interactive and always with a live person.
This online database is a comprehensive collection of scholarship focusing on people and events of significance in African-American history and culture. Containing more than 10,000 articles from major reference works, over 1,750 visual images, and hundreds of primary source documents, it provides excellent coverage of the work of African-American artists and photographers.
Providing excellent coverage of the visual arts in all parts of the world, this online resource contains several reference works on art. Most important is Grove's Dictionary of Art, the largest and most comprehensive encyclopedia of the visual arts that has ever been published. Don't start any research on art without checking this source.
Providing excellent coverage of the visual arts in all parts of the world, this database contains several reference works on art. Most important is Groves Dictionary of Art, the most highly respected encyclopedia of art in the English language.