SCU LIbrary's information literacy instruction program supports undergraduate and graduate student learning outcomes across a wide range of disciplines, engaged in multiple modalities, and intersecting with various high impact curricular areas.
The Core Curriculum that is required of all undergraduate students, regardless of their discipline, has three areas: foundations, explorations, and pathways. As the name Foundations suggests, these are courses most often taken in the first year, as precursors to Explorations and Pathways courses. Nearly half of the Library's information literacy integration typically occurs in Foundations: Critical Thinking & Writing (CTW) 1 and 2 and Integrations: Advanced Writing (AW). Individual librarians also support a variety of other Core courses, including Cultures & Ideas, ELSJ, RTCs (Religion, Theology, and Culture), to name just a few.
Outside of the Core, librarians target high-impact curricular areas in their programs for instruction outreach. For example, in the social sciences this might be a junior-level introduction to research/research methodologies class as well as a senior-level capstone course.