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Deselection: Further Reading

Information about deselection and assessment of library collection


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Lev Rickards

Further Reading

Albitz, Becky (Ed.). (2014). Rethinking collection development and management. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited.

Crist, Rebecca & Stambaugh, Emily. (2014). SPEC Kit 345: Shared Print Programs. Washington, DC: Association of Research Libraries.

Dempsey, Lorcan. (2013). The emergence of the collective collection: Analyzing aggregate print library holdings. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Research.

Eleonora Dubicki, (2008) Weeding: facing the fears, Collection Building, Vol. 27 Issue: 4, pp.132-135.

Lugg, R. (2012). Data-driven deselection for monographs: a rules-based approach to weeding, storage, and shared print decisions. Insights. 25(2), pp.198–204.

Lugg, Rick & Fischer, Ruth. (2008). Future tense--the disapproval plan: Rules-based weeding and storage. Against the Grain, 20(6). 74-75.

Slote, Stanley. (1997). Weeding Library Collections (4th ed.). Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited.

Snyder, Cynthia. (2014). Data-driven deselection: Multiple point data using a decision support tool in an academic library. Collection Management, 39(1). 17-31.