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Library Instruction for CTW

Greetings CTW Instructors!

Library Instruction Program

As you may know from past experience, it is the mission of SCU subject librarians to educate your students with information literacy skills. You can find out more by visiting our guide on SCU Library Teaching and Learning Services (also linked on the left).

The CTW Asynchronous Tutorial

Critical Thinking & Writing, AY23-24

We have optimized the CTW Library Tutorial we created last year to be more engaging, streamlined in delivering the LOs, and touching on generative AI and ChatGPT. It continues to be self-paced (asynchronous) and low-stakes (pass/fail) and we encourage all CTW instructors to consider assigning or promoting in their courses. We estimate it will take a student 35 minutes to complete.

We developed this tutorial to:

  • Establish a foundation of library skills for all first-year students;
  • Act as the sole library instruction for CTW as the Library responds to some staffing shortages; or, set the foundation for an in-person session with your assigned librarian;
  • Provide flexibility: the tutorial can be assigned in CTW 1 or CTW 2, wherever it makes the most sense for your learning outcomes and course structure;
  • Meet you and your students where you are: we can insert the tutorial in a Camino module for your class or otherwise deliver it as best suits you.

Link to CTW Library Tutorial

Learning Outcomes for CTW Library Tutorial

After completing the tutorial, students will be able to:

  • Access and navigate the library's website; specifically access and navigate OneSearch for articles and books and subject databases through the library's website
  • Articulate differences between using Google and the Library's resources for research
  • Use ChatGPT or other AI tools as a complement to library research
  • Modify and refine search strategies
  • Identify and access a peer-reviewed article, an ebook, and a print book using OneSearch

Camino Commons Module

There is a module you can pop into your Camino course from the Camino Commons that contains this tutorial and an assignment requiring the PDF certificate of completion. Click the image below to go directly to the module on Camino Commons.

Outline of CTW Library Tutorial

CTW LibWizard Tutorial and Camino Module


Welcome Slide 


Slide 1: The Library's website and Google (video)

Quiz: What are some drawbacks to using Google for your research? (multiple choice)

Quiz: Why should you use the SCU Library's website when conducting research? (multiple choice)


  • SWBAT navigate to different information sources on the library website and to critically evaluate information found elsewhere


Slide 2: OneSearch for Articles

Quiz: If you get too many results, what is a good strategy to revise your search? (multiple choice)

Quiz: What is the name of the tool to use to locate the full text of articles? (multiple choice)

  • SWBAT construct a search and retrieve the full text of journal articles


Slide 2: OneSearch for Books

Quiz: How do you get a physical book?

Quiz: How do you access an ebook? 


  • SWBAT search for, identify, and access books by using OneSearch


Slide 3: Using OneSearch (activity)

Embedded OneSearch window with guided search instructions with exit ticket for each deliverable named below


How many peer-reviewed articles?

How many books from the library catalog?

Which book is a print book?


  • SWBAT separately identify and access peer-reviewed articles, books, and distinguish between an ebook and print book record


Slide 4: Using ChatGPT and other AI to help you research (activity)

Activity: Pick a chatbot and do some exploratory searches


  • SWBAT use ChatGPT as a complement to their library research process


Slide 5: Subject databases [need to recreate]

Quiz: What's one subject database that the library provides in your major area?

Do a search a provide a permalink to one result 

  • SWBAT navigate to a subject database that the library subscribes to in their major


Slide 6: Recap (existing)


Slide 7: Check-In (exit ticket)

Quiz: Thinking about your experience trying OneSearch, how confident do you feel using it to find articles? (likert scale)

Quiz: Thinking about your experience trying OneSearch, how confident do you feel using it to find books? (likert scale)

Quiz: Did you have trouble with any section or sections of this tutorial in particular? (list sections)

Quiz: What more do you want to learn about doing research or the SCU Library? 


Slide 8: Share Your Results

[List of CTW professors rather than freeform] 

Asks student for identifying information to create a certificate of completion


Thank you slide


Santa Clara University Library's Instruction Program

In support of the teaching mission of the University, the University Library’s Instruction Program offers a variety of services to support faculty in their teaching and to inspire SCU students to develop comprehensive information literacy and critical thinking skills that contribute to their successes as students and as lifelong learners.

SCU librarians and staff can provide course-integrated library instruction both through in-person instruction and/or through the creation of online instructional materials, such as Camino modules, research guides and tutorials. We also provide faculty workshops related to various aspects of information literacy and assignment design.

To get started contact your subject librarian or Rachel Wishkoski, Head of Instruction & Assessment.