Now that you've learned more about library databases, this activity will give you the opportunity to consider your topic from multiple disciplinary perspectives. You will learn how to use library disciplinary databases to find those perspectives. There are two ways to do so: you can either browse by database off the library homepage (demonstrated in the 5-minute video in the workshop module); and/or you can use a research guide like this one where a librarian suggests some databases.
To browse all SCU databases by subject, visit the Databases By Subject page.
To find an article (Magazine, Scholarly), enter each different concept in its own search box.
Search terms with synonyms might be:
(the * asterisk looks for all words that share that root, like racist, racism)
Database: Health Source (Nursing/Academic Edition)
Database: Health Source (Nursing/Academic Edition)
To find an article (Magazine, Scholarly), enter each different concept in its own search box.
Search terms with synonyms might be:
true crime stories / crime drama / true crime entertainment
Example 2: