These examples are good because the writers consistently followed a citation management style. For those references that were websites, there was enough descriptive information so that if the URL ended up as a broken link, a reader had enough information to do a search and probably locate the new link.
The second and third list of references were good as there were numbered references in the text of the thesis so the reader could see where the information was applied in the project. The first thesis highlighted the publication titles in the text of the report by using italics...not as precise as the others, but acceptable.
Both of these examples use websites as all or mostly all their references. It is better to use information from a variety of sources--lends more credibility to your work. The first example did not follow any citation management listed the titles of websites and the URLs. Also, there is a citation from Wikipedia. The references in a Wikipedia article are usually more useful than the article itself--as the "open" editorial process of Wikipedia does not make it a scholarly source.