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ENGL 2A - BEAM-ing Your Research (Crosby)

Class Slides

In-Class Activity Instructions

Step 1: Find one source related to your topic using a library resource. Make a post about it on the first Padlet, and include:

  • Your name
  • The title of your source and a link to it
  • The purpose of the source for your paper (which letter of BEAM?)
  • “This source will be useful for my project because…”

Step 2: Legos unlocked! Once you post a source, build with Legos as you search for more sources. Rachel and Prof. Crosby are available to help with the searching part.

  • Lego prompt: Build a structure representing your research and BEAM

Step 3: Write a reflection on the second Padlet at the end of class (Rachel will call you back). Choose one of the following:

  • Post a picture of your Lego creation with a description of how it represents your research, OR
  • Write a short reflection about how the BEAM method changes, challenges, or supports how you think about doing research