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Navigate to the "Quick Links" and select "Databases" OR click on the "Databases" tab on the search box. Select the link "Browse All Databases by Type of Vendor".
Navigate to the drop down menu "All Databases Types". Click on the drop down arrow and select "Newspapers".
This database contains two collections: 1) A current collection (1990-present) of full- text newspapers, magazines, and journals from ethnic and minority presses. 2) A History collection (1959-1989) of full-text newspapers, magazines and journals, focusing on African American, Hispanic American, and Native American presses.
This database provides a digital collection of the magazines, journals, and newspapers relating to feminist, dissident, campus radical, Native American, anti-war activist, Black Power, Hispanic, LGBT activist, the extreme right-wing publications of the alternative and small press archives from the latter half of the 20th century.
A four-year project to digitize over one million pages from the magazines, journals, newsletters, and newspapers of the alternative press archives of participating libraries.
Provides access to, New York Times mobile apps, and New York Times in Education. Registration is required. Content includes Breaking News, Multimedia, Opinion, Blogs, Videos and more.