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ANTH 1: Introduction to Biological Anthropology (Cruz)

How to Search on an EBSCO Platform

ebsco search platform

When searching the library databases, you might encounter different interfaces. For example, the one pictured here is from EBSCO. Others you might see are ProQuest or Elsevier. These are the names of the platforms, not the actual database or collection. Find out more information about the image above:

  1. "Anthropology Plus" is the name of the database
  2. Keyword searching - "hominid"
  3. Boolean Operator - AND means you want to connect keywords
  4. Keyword and Boolean Operator - Notice that I am using OR as a way to say consider "diet" OR "nutrition" OR "food". The OR means you want the database to look for any of these keywords. You'll also notice that I kept the same concept in one box. This is a strategy you can use to keep track of each of the concepts.

Selected Databases

Anthropology Databases

Sociology Databases

Interdisciplinary Databases

How to Get Articles

How to Get Articles

Once you find articles that interest you, you can mark them and email the citations/abstracts to yourself.

To obtain the full article, click the “Find It @ SCU”  or “Link” button. A new window opens to provide available choices in this order:

1. Links to full-text if we have journal online

2. Link to OSCAR (catalog) record if we have journal only in print

3. Link to Interlibrary Loan if we do not have journal. Fill out all citation information and article pdf will be emailed to you in a few days.