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ANTH 1: Introduction to Biological Anthropology (Cruz)

How to Find Books

OSCAR is the Library's catalog and it tells you the books the SCU Library owns or subscribes to (physical and virtual), in addition to many other material types. You can use it to find books on your topic by doing a keyword search, or for known titles and authors.

  1. Simple Search for "aging".
  2. Click on the magnifying glass to do a search.
  3. If you do not see a "Location" or a "Call Number", it's most likely an electronic or digital item.
  4. "Location" will tell you where the book is located in the library.
  5. The "Call Number" is the address of the book. Use this to locate the actual book amongst the stacks.
  6. "Status" will tell you whether or not the book is available for you to check out. If it has been checked out, there will be a due date.

Selected Books