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SCTR 15: Texting God (Lehmann): Finding books on the shelves

How to find books in the stacks

Once you have found a book you want in the catalog you can find it in the stacks as well.  Not only will you see the book you have been looking for, but you will also see books next to it on a similar topic.  Books in the University Library are arranged by Library of Congress order.  Books are shelved by topic rather than author last name.  To find a book in the stacks you will follow the call number listed in the catalog and printed on the spine label of each book.  

A call number is actually a group of both letters and numbers that make up a unique code for each book.  Books are shelved in call number order so that you can always find a book in the stacks.  The call numbers always follow the same pattern:  A letter or two letters, followed by a number, followed by either one or two number letter groups, followed by the year of publication.  A call number looks like this:

Because the call numbers start with a letter, the most basic organization of the library stacks is alphabetically, by first letter in the call number.  Here is a map of our library stacks showing where the groups of each letter are located:

To find a book in the stacks, first copy down the entire call number from the catalog.  Then, go down to the basement floor where the stacks are.  Check the map to help navigate to the first letter of your call number.  Once you find the general area for your letter, you can look at the signs on the ends of the shelves to see what range of call numbers each aisle contains.  Remember that books are shelved from top to bottom on a bookshelf and from left to right.  

To find a specific book, keep following the call numbers on the spines until you find the right letter, then keep following to find each line in the call number both alphabetically and in number order.   If you have a complex number or are having any trouble with finding your call number check out this great step by step guide to call numbers by Leeward College.  

Tip:  If you see a really thin book on the shelf, it probably won't have room on its spine for the call number.  Just pull out the book a little bit so you can see the front cover.  The call number will be printed there.  Here's an example: