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Scholar Commons Guide

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Where to Publish

Do you want to be able to share final versions of you published work in Scholar Commons? Consider publishing Open Access! These directories can help you identify an appropriate venue for your OA publication. You can also consult with your department's Subject Librarian.

Open Access Directory
The Open Access Directory (OAD) is a compendium of simple factual lists about open access (OA) to science and scholarship, maintained by the OA community at large. By bringing many OA-related lists together in one place, OAD makes it easier for everyone to discover them, use them for reference, and update them. 

Directory of Open Access Journals
DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals across all disciplines.

The University Library is a member of the following organizations so it is easier, cheaper, or sometimes even free to publish through these initiatives.