APAStyle.org is the most reliable place online to get information about how to cite in this style, including help with in-text citations and your reference list, including lots of example citations for various types of sources.
You can also consult the APA Style Manual from the SCU Library.
To cite a journal article, you'll need the following information:
Here's an example:
Larson, D. G., & Chastain, R. L. (1990). Self-concealment: Conceptualization, measurement, and health implications. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 9(4), 439-455. https://doi.org/10.1521/jscp.1990.9.4.439 |
Many library databases will generate citations for you. While the still need proofreading, they can save you some steps in building your bibliography.
Most online citation generators are not recommended, as they require more revision to get accurate citations. Always double-check citations from these sources!
One recommended citation generator is ZoteroBib. A tool from the open citation manager Zotero, ZoteroBib is noncommercial (no ads), free, and helps you build individual citations or bibliographies for your paper or project.