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Social Sciences and Government Information Librarian
Andrew Carlos
Subjects: Applied Mathematics,
Civil Engineering,
Computer Engineering,
Computer Science,
Electrical Engineering,
Engineering Management,
Mathematics & Computer Science,
Mechanical Engineering,
Political Science
African Sources
Open Access Journals
- Sabinet African Journals
Sabinet African Journals is a retrospective open access journal service that preserves and makes available African journal literature dating as far back as 1906, originating from a wide base of publishers and societies on the African continent.
- African Journals Online
African Journals OnLine (AJOL) is the world's largest and preeminent platform of African-published scholarly journals. AJOL is a non-profit organization that (since 1998) works to increase global & continental online access, awareness, quality & use of African-published, peer-reviewed research. AJOL hosts 610 journals, including 306 that are open access.
Individual Journals
Institutional Repositories
- African Digital Research Repositories
The site is organized by country and then by repository. Resources are predominantly in English or French. There is no interface to search across the various repositories.
Think Tanks / Research Centers
Data Repositories
- Directory of Data Repositories in Africa (DODRIA)
DODRIA contains over 100 links to data portals that provides access to research datasets on Gross Domestic Product (GDP), population, socio-economic indicators, agriculture, health, energy, international trade, gender, education, climate and geo-spatial data.