Open Access Books / Journals
- Arabic Collections Online
Arabic Collections Online (ACO) is a publicly available digital library of public domain Arabic language content. ACO currently provides digital access to 17,694 volumes across 10,468 subjects drawn from rich Arabic collections of distinguished research libraries. The Political Science section has about 200 books. The books provide historical context for the region, but do not address current political realities. These are mostly 20th century texts.
- Digital Library of the Middle East
The Digital Library of the Middle East (DLME) offers free and open access to the rich cultural legacy of the Middle East and North Africa by bringing together collections from a wide range of cultural heritage institutions.
Institutional Repositories
Directory of Open Access Repositories: Africa
The American University in Cairo
The British University in Egypt
MSAR (University for Modern Sciences and Arts Repository (Egypt)
Lebanese American University Repository (LAUR)
Open Metu (Turkey)
Yeshiva Academic Institutional Repository (Israel)
General Surveys / Opinion Polls
- Arab Barometer
Our data analysis tool allows researchers, who have no access to statistical software packages, to conduct simple descriptive analysis of all Arab Barometer waves and countries. All results can be downloaded in various different formats and can be integrated into reports, articles, and presentations. Available in Arabic and English.
- The Arab Opinion Index (Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies)
The Arab Opinion Index an annual survey conducted by the Arab Center in order to gauge Arab public opinion around a number of political, cultural, and social topics.
- Palestinian Center for Public Opinion
- Public Opinion Polls on the Middle East
Think Tanks / Research Centers
Data Repositories