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International Research

Surveys / Public Opinion Polls / Indexes

General Surveys / Opinion Polls

Authoritarianism / Democracy / Elections Surveys 


Indexes / Scores for Multiple Countries

  • BTI Transformation Index
    This index analyzes transformation processes toward democracy and a market economy in international comparison. The three indexes included are political transformation, economic transformation, and governance index. There are country reports (e.g., India) to accompany the indexes.
  • Corruption Perceptions Index (Transparency International)
    CPI is an index which ranks countries "by their perceived levels of public sector corruption, as determined by expert assessments and opinion surveys.
  • Democracy Barometer 
    The Democracy Barometer is an instrument to measure the quality of established democracies. Measures the quality of democracy based on a concept of democracy embracing liberal as well as participatory ideas. Covers 50+ countries, 1990-2017, utilizing nearly 100 indicators.
  • Democracy Perception Index (Latana)
    Reports from 2019 to present are available.
  • Freedom in the World (Freedom House)
    Provides both an overall freedom score and an internet freedom score for every country. They also provide a more detailed report for each country.
  • Fragile States Index (The Fund for Peace)
    The FSI is produced by The Fund for Peace (FFP), the index details the existing social, economic and political pressures faced in 178 countries, highlighting not only the normal pressures that all states experience, but also in identifying when those pressures are outweighing a states’ capacity to manage those pressures.
  • Worldwide Governance Indicators (World Bank)
    The WGI reports aggregate and individual governance indicators for over 200 countries and territories over the period 1996–2021, for six dimensions of governance.