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Library Service Quality Survey (LibQUAL+): Home


What is LibQual?

The LibQUAL+ survey helps library staff solicit, understand, and act upon users’ opinions of service quality. It is a web survey that consists of twenty-two core questions, five local questions (chosen from a list of pre-tested questions), and a section for comments.
The program’s centerpiece is a rigorously tested, Web-based, nationally-normed survey that helps library staff assess and improve library services. LibQUAL+ measures user perceptions of service quality in three dimensions:
  • Affect of Service addresses how well library employees provide library services.
  • Information Control focuses on a library's collections, Website, and online tools.
  • Library as Place focuses on the quality of library facilities.
Respondents' minimum, desired, and perceived levels of service quality are recorded. The resulting "gaps" between their minimum, desired, and perceived levels of service determines the extent to which the library is meeting user needs.
In addition respondents are asked to rate their frequency of library use, information literacy outcomes, and overall satisfaction with the library on a 1-9 scale.

2018 LibQual Report

In the SCU Library Newsletter