(a collection of 14 essays on Toni Morrison's Beloved)
Critical Essays on Toni Morrison's Beloved
Toni Morrison: An Ethical Poetics
Quiet as It's Kept: Shame, Trauma, and Race in the Novels of Toni Morrison
The Novels of Toni Morrison: The Search for Self and Place within the Community
Critical Companion to Toni Morrison: A Literary Reference to Her Life and Work
Contested Boundaries: New Critical Essays on the Fiction of Toni Morrison
The Cambridge Introduction to Toni Morrison
Toni Morrison: A Literary Life
Religious Imagination and the Body: A Feminist Analysis
(One of the authors studied in the book is Toni Morrison.)
What Moves at the Margins: Selected Non-Fiction
(Collection of non-fiction essays by Toni Morrison)
To find more books about Toni Morrison and her works, use OSCAR, the library's catalog, and search for "Morrison, Toni" as the subject. Be sure to type her last name first.