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WGST 50: Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies (Montgomery)

This course guide is designed to help you conduct research in the field of Women's and Gender Studies

WGST 50: Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies

Women's March in San Francisco, Fabrice Florin, 2017, Wikimedia Commons

"In this course students analyze the varieties of women's experience in contemporary American society, consider how gender relations may be changing, and investigate the historical social, political, economic, and cultural forces that shape our lives relative to gender." (from the syllabus)

This guide is designed to help you conduct research in the field of Women's and Gender Studies.   It will help you find resources for your assignments and final paper, help you identify different types of resources, and provide guidelines on how to write an annotated bibliography.


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Use this form to tell me about two good sources you found during this library session.  Tell me where you found the sources and why they will be helpful for your project. 

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