For this course assignment you are going to be searching for material related to a specific group of people. If you search for this idea using current terminology, like "marginalized group" or "people of color" or latinx, you will either fail completely or get only a random item. So, here are some tips about how to go about doing this kind of searching for a few different groups.
For BLACKS or AFRICAN-AMERICANS, copy-and-paste this search into the big OSCAR search box:
d:("civil war 1861-1865") and d:(("african american*" or "african americans"))
For LATINX, copy-and-paste this search into the big OSCAR search box:
d:("civil war 1861-1865") and d:((hispanic* or mexican* or chican*))
For NATIVE AMERICANS, copy-and-paste this search into the big OSCAR search box:
d:("civil war 1861-1865") and d:("native americans" or "native american" or "indian territory" or "indians of north america")
For WOMEN, copy-and-paste this search into the big OSCAR search box:
d:("civil war 1861-1865") and d:(women)