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Social Justice in Libraries

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Images from the May 3rd Workshop

Conversation agreement. Raise ur hand. Dont interrupt. Move up, Move up. No side convos. Intent =/= impact

Conversation Agreements

Conversation agreement.

  • Raise ur hand.
  • Dont interrupt.
  • Move up, Move up.
  • No side convos.
  • Intent =/= impact

Intentional. Respectful. Fair ALL ARE WELCOME Staff humbly striving for cultural + racial literacy - on the regular.

Poster One

  • Intentional. Respectful.
  • Fair
  • Staff humbly striving for cultural + racial literacy - on the regular. 

Open. Accessible.  Equity For who? Name and identify internal and external groups Finding space to provide access to all (staff, faculty, students, pu

Poster Two

  • Open. Accessible. 
  • Equity
  • For who? Name and identify internal and external groups
  • Finding space to provide access to all (staff, faculty, students, public)
    • And those without id?
  • Distinguishes, differentiates, personalizes -> to support + uplift

A social justice library provides equitable service to its users through its collections, services, and physical and online environment. All parts are

Poster Three

  • A social justice library provides equitable service to its users through its collections, services, and physical and online environment. All parts are necessary. 
  • Listening. Self-critical. Accessible. 
  • Analyzing systems & structures of which the library is a part
  • Reflecting on an on-going basis on how to improve access, how to improve collections
  • Staff reflecting on institutional + inter-personal actions/biases/policies/behaviors