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Social Justice in Libraries

Workshop One

The materials below are for your review of the concepts we discussed in Workshop One. 

If you could not attend, you can use this material to understand what was discussed during Workshop One. Progress is not saved, so you should plan to finish in one sitting. 


  • After you click Read, you can use the blue hamburger menu on the top left to open/close the menu.
  • Use the arrows on the bottom to navigate forwards or backward.
  • When you finish the page, scroll to the bottom and click "I have finished this page".
  • For the reflections, please make sure to save a copy of them to a google doc or an email to yourself - they are not submitted through the module at the moment.
  • The scores for the activities will not be shared with anyone else. (note: you might have to scroll back up - the arrow keys are causing random scrolling).

Workshop One Brainstorm: What words would you use to describe social justice libraries?

Transcribed from the posters:

  • A social justice library provides equitable service to its users through its collections, services, and physical and online environment. All parts are necessary. 
  • Listening. Self-critical. Accessible. 
  • Analyzing systems & structures of which the library is a part
  • Reflecting on an on-going basis on how to improve access, how to improve collections
  • Staff reflecting on institutional + inter-personal actions/biases/policies/behaviors
  • Open. Accessible. 
  • Equity
  • For who? Name and identify internal and external groups
  • Finding space to provide access to all (staff, faculty, students, public)
    • And those without id?
  • Distinguishes, differentiates, personalizes -> to support + uplift
  • Intentional. Respectful.
  • Fair
  • Staff humbly striving for cultural + racial literacy - on the regular. 

Below are the responses received through Mentimeter.

  • Analyzing systems and structures of which the library is a part
  • Service-oriented; sharing and promoting the power of information; equitable access online and in-person to all users
  • A social justice library provides equitable access to its resources, services and space for its patrons, community, and staff….

Photos of the posters are available under Additional Resources