The largest and most comprehensive dictionary of the English language as it is currently used today.
The famous unabridged is the latest in the long line of dictionaries directly descended from Noah Websters original English-language dictionary of 1828. It is updated on a continuing basis.
A team of librarians available to help you with library resources and search for information, every day at any time. The chat is interactive and always with a live person.
This is the major database for finding what has been written in journal articles and books since 1964 about the history and culture of the United States and Canada. It is the first source to check when researching the history of Italian Americans in North America.
This is the major index to journal articles, reports, and essays published in books in the fields of anthropology, archaeology, and folklore from the 19th century to the present. It is an excellent source for finding articles on food, gender roles, and many other customs of Italians and Italian Americans.
This database is a comprehensive guide to what has been written in journal articles, books, and more since 1915 about communication and media issues. It is an excellent place to look to find discussions of the stereotyping of Italian Americans in the mass media.
This database contains the full text online of articles published since 1959 in the ethnic and minority press in the United States. It includes newspapers, magazines, and journals that are regional or national in scope and is the only source for finding many publications that are not easily available otherwise. It is an excellent source to read what Italian Americans are saying in publications devoted to their interests.
This database indexes journal articles published from 1907 to 1984 on all aspects of the humanities and the social sciences. Included are such fields as anthropology, art, economics, ethnic studies, literature, political science, sociology, and the performing arts. It is an excellent source to use to find articles from most of the 20th century on any of these aspects of the Italian American experience.
For coverage of articles published from 1985 to the present, use Humanities Full Text and/or Social Sciences Full Text.
This database indexes journal articles published since 1984 on all aspects of the humanities, including art, literature, and the performing arts. It is an excellent source to use when researching any of these aspects of the Italian American experience.
The full text of many of the articles is available online from 1995, or later, to the present. For indexing of articles in humanities journals prior to 1984, use Humanities & Social Sciences Index Retrospective.
This database is an excellent source for finding articles in journals, books, conference proceedings, and more on all aspects of the social sciences. It is especially useful for researching the social and cultural aspects of the Italian American experience in the United States.
More than 1,800 full-text articles and over 14,000 abstracts from scholarly journals and dissertations in the social sciences
This database indexes journal articles published since 1983 on all aspects of the social sciences, including anthropology, economics, ethnic studies, political science, and sociology. It is an excellent source to use when researching any of these aspects of the Italian American experience.