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ENGL 1A / CTW-1 Headlines (Leuner)

Keywords for Searching

Two options:

  1. Think of a (famous) person who you consider a hero. Search their name. What headlines come up describing the person?
  2. Perform a more general search using synonyms for hero. What words would you use to define or describe a hero or antihero, according to you?

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Example advanced search strategy:



Use Proximity Operators to Define Distance Between Terms

Proximity operators (Nn, Wn) can be used to tell the search engine how closely terms must be to each other within a document. They operate like the AND operator in that both terms must be found.

Use Nn to find terms when order doesn't matter

The Nn (near) operator finds terms n words apart in either direction of the first term.

  • memory n5 repressed finds documents that contain memory and repressed within five or fewer words of each other.

Use Wn to find terms after the first

The Wn (within) operator finds the second term within n words after the first.

  • shared w3 values finds documents that contain the term values within three or fewer words after the term shared.


Use Wildcard Characters to Search on Multiple Similar Terms

Using wildcard characters (*, ?, !) allow you to only type part of your search term to search for multiple terms. This is also known as truncation.

Use the Asterisk (*) for the widest search

The asterisk stands for any number of characters, including none.

  • carib* finds: carib, caribs, caribbean, caribe, caribou, etc.

Use the Question Mark (?) for specific words of known length

The question mark stands for exactly one character.

  • psych????y finds: psychiatry, psychology but would not find: psychotherapy.

Use the Exclamation Point (!) for specific word variations

The exclamation point stands for one or zero characters.

  • colo!r finds: color, colour.

Newspaper Source

By now you are familiar with how to use an advanced search box.